• GEBT concludes with a surge in visitor numbers

    12 August 2022

    Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology (GEBT) wrapped up on Saturday, achieving its objective as outlined in this year’s show theme of “The integration of the smart technology ecosystem”. GEBT took place alongside Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition (GILE) and together they gathered 1,288 exhibitors and attracted 128,202 visitors, a 31% increase from last year’s edition. With a variety of different industries gathered under one roof, GEBT provided a platform for promoting smart development within the electrical engineering industry.

    On the success of this year’s fair, Ms Lucia Wong, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said: “Smart technologies will undoubtedly continue to grow in importance in the coming decades, with the building industry in particular as a major adopter. We are delighted to see that the high number of visitors at this year’s edition reflects the growing interest in smart technologies. This has also confirmed GEBT as the backbone of the industry. With the smart technology revolution, more and more industries have become involved with buildings, in an effort to make them more liveable, green and interconnected. That’s why we chose the theme “the integration of the smart technology ecosystem” and we hope that in future editions, we will see this trend further demonstrated.”

    The integration of the smart technology ecosystem

    This year’s fair organised four main product zones which together represented “the integration of the smart technology ecosystem”. The “Intelligent building and smart community zone” covered intelligent building systems, building energy management systems, system integration, smart community, cloud platforms and more. The “Hotel engineering and building conservation zone” focused on smart hotel management systems and products as well as energy saving systems among others. The “Audio-visual integration zone” highlighted smart audio and audio-visual technology, products and control panels. Finally the “Home automation zone” featured smart lighting and shading systems and products, as well as smart security, smart access control systems, switches, panels, security and more.

    Exhibitor highlights

    1,288 exhibitors from a range of industries attended both fairs this year. Prominent exhibitors at GEBT included: KNX, GVS, SDLEA, Homeland, Tuya, Lifesmart, REACH, Kai Chen, iPlusHome, Xlink, Beiyue, On-Bright, TNV, Intretech, Terncy, Konke, Beichang, Yicheng Yizhi, Joyrill, Uwiseze, Haiying, Greencure, Hua Teng, Merrytek, Intengine, Barep, Ai Jia, Wei Qi, Tenia, Keldeli, Younssemi, Kenwell, Lei Zhong Shan, Si En, Bai Ren, Jieyongtong, Yi Ge, Langtu, Uten, Umer, Plato, Unitech, Xin Ping, Xin Lan Tian, Teng Li, Songmeng, Meil Gdele, Coastrewoodtech, XPower, Pin Pai and Feng Sheng and more.

    Highlights of the fringe programme

    This year’s fringe programme featured an array of seminars and forums led by experts from industry and academia. Key events this year were the Smart Technology Ecosystem Conference 2022, Smart Hotel and Green Building Development Summit 2022, PLC Home Automation Industry Forum, GEBT 2022 Smart Lighting, Audio-Visual and Acoustics Integration Forum, KNX Ecosystem Development Seminar 2022, Guangzhou “Intelligent Building Operating System” Seminar 2022, Guangzhou Wi-Fi Technology and Smart Application Seminar 2022, The 2nd Future of Healthy Smart Lighting Design Forum 2022, China (Guangzhou) Intelligent Integrators’ Conference 2022, “Intelligent Audio-Visual” Home Automation Industry Convergence Forum 2022 and more.

    Exhibitors’ comments

    “GEBT is a prominent building technology exhibition in China, and its visitors are mainly our target clients. For this reason we have been participating in the fair since last year, focusing on home automation. The sector has grown rapidly in the last few years, and with the support from various smart equipment suppliers and integrators, we can create a more systematic home automation ecosystem. At last year’s fair, we received the highest number of orders in a single fair in the company’s history. And so we’ve joined the fair again this year, hoping to break the record once more. We will be exhibiting at GEBT next year for sure.”

    Mr Zhu Haiyang, Marketing, Hangzhou Konke Information Technology Co Ltd

    “This is our ninth time exhibiting at GEBT. The fair has an impressive reputation and influence and we’ve had great success here in previous years, so we keep coming back. There are quite a lot of visitors this year, and the overall exhibiting experience is better than ever, so we will definitely join the next edition.”

    Ms Dora Yang, Business Manager, Homelan (Huizhou) Electrical Co Ltd

    Visitors’ comments

    “We regularly visit GEBT to source for electrical building appliances, lighting and hardware to sell to the South American market. GEBT is a fantastic platform for the industry, gathering large crowds of experts every year to share the latest technological advancements. The fair is really helpful for our business, and we are pleased to have connected with a number of suppliers already. We will not hesitate to come back again next year.”

    Ms Xu Huaxiang, Purchasing Representative, MAVIJU

    “This is my first time attending GEBT, and I’m here to learn more about smart curtains and colour-changing light strips. I’ve met several exhibitors at the fair who are interested in cooperating, and I will follow up with them later. From my impression as a first-time visitor, I can tell that GEBT plays an important role in promoting the industry’s development.”

    Mr Sun Dajian, Manager, Huai’an Jiancheng Information Technology Co Ltd

    Speakers’ comments

    “As a specialist in intelligent building design, I shared my views on energy-saving technologies within central control air conditioning systems at the Smart Hotel and Green Building Development Summit. The audiences were of high quality, asking some good questions, and their responses exceeded my expectations. GEBT’s influence is relatively large, attracting various exhibitors to showcase a diverse selection of products every year, driving the industry forward.”

    Mr Liao Mingdi, Senior Engineer, Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design & Research Co Ltd

    “This year, through the GEBT conference platform, we unveiled our smart building operating system concept to the building community to great interest and feedback. With more and more topics being shared at GEBT’s forums, the event’s reputation will continue to grow year after year. I am very pleased with the technical exchanges taking place at the conference as these conversations really help to drive the industry forward.”
    Mr Cai Danque, Director, Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design & Research

    Audiences’ comments

    “Our company mainly provides road lighting control systems and application platforms, and as we are planning to expand into buildings, we decided to attend the forums at GEBT. All the speakers were influential in the industry and presented in a very professional manner. As it’s difficult for industry peers to get together under the current circumstances, we may not often get the chance to think outside the box. The seminars provide a good communication platform for generating new ideas.”

    Mr Hu Changyu, Research & Development Director, Sichuan Etherbas Technology Development Co Ltd

    “We specialise in the sale and renovation of energy efficient air conditioning and centralised air conditioning systems. To learn more about the latest trends in my industry, I decided to take part in the Smart Hotel and Green Building Development Summit, where experts voiced a variety of opinions. With advances in science and technology, air conditioning is becoming increasingly energy efficient. The summit is therefore extremely beneficial for the air conditioning industry, and I hope it will expand in size next year to exert more influence.”

    Mr Lin Haipeng, Sales Manager, Gree Electric Appliances Inc of Zhuhai

    The next editions of Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition and Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology will be held from 9 – 12 June 2023. Both shows are part of Messe Frankfurt’s Light + Building Technology fair portfolio headed by the biennial Light + Building event in Frankfurt, Germany. The next edition will be held from 2 – 6 October 2022.

    Messe Frankfurt organises a number of trade fairs for the light and building technology sectors in Asia, including Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology, Shanghai Smart Home Technology, Parking China, Thailand Building Fair and Thailand Lighting Fair. The company’s lighting and building technology trade fairs also cover the markets in Argentina, India, Russia and the UAE.

    For more information on Light + Building shows worldwide, please visit www.light-building.com/brand.

    To find out more about the building shows in China, please visit www.building.messefrankfurt.com.cn or email [email protected].


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