• Introducing Mattiazzi from HermanMiller

    17 April 2012

    Herman Miller Asia Pacific is pleased to announce the launch of the Mattiazzi Collection.

    The offering includes the complete line of Mattiazzi products, including those designed by Studio Nitzan Cohen, Sam Hechtof Industrial Facility and the Bouroullec brothers. By partnering with Mattiazzi, Herman Miller expands the choices it provides to our customers across the region.

    Mattiazzi, a contemporary furniture manufacturer in Italy was founded by brothers Nevio and Fabiano Mattiazzi in 1978.While many producers in that region rely on third party factories and work in diverse materials, Mattiazzi operates with their own machines and hands and has developed a healthy obsession for woodworking.

    By using sophisticated CNC tools, Mattiazzi has perfected the art of allowing wood to take the complex shapes associated with injection-moulded plastic. Operating such a machine is an art and Mattiazzi disproves the modern myth that mechanised manufacturing is not a craft. Herman Miller has always had a strong focus on the environment and it is important that our partners share this focus.

    More information at: www.hermammiller.com/asia.


    The 19th edition of Eco Expo Asia was successfully held from 30 October to 2 November 2024 at AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong.

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