• POLYU Design Annual Show 2016 (NOW till 23 JUL)

    10 July 2016

    (Environment and Interior BA Hons program 2015-2016)
    108 5 119 46    7         3


























    The Environment and Interior BA Hons program is the spatial design discipline within the School of Design. A dynamic, conceptually explorative and ideas driven program that goes above and beyond establishing the praxis of interiority and interior design. Teaching and learning emphasis is placed on critique, spatial experimentation and material exploration across a range of scales spanning the wider spatial environment, embedding interior design within other spatial design fields including the urban, landscape and architectural domains. Within the HK context, interiority is increasingly replacing architecture and is becoming urban in scale and complexity. We regard this positioning to be of paramount importance and encourage students to critically and conceptually extend their understanding beyond their discipline boundaries.

    The knowledge gained by this process allows students more possibilities to situate their knowledge in an expanded context as cross-disciplinary rather than in a narrowly defined and constrained discipline program. At the same time the program provides the base level knowledge and the applied skills of their own discipline, where a clear learning pathway establishes foundational skills in the first two years of the program. These skills relate to spatial exploration, conceptual development, site analysis, socio-cultural contextualization, functionality, typology and variations of material technologies.

    An increasing emphasis on material investigation, manifestation and fabrication (technique) remains a focus of the past year. The later years are dedicated to questioning complexity within our urban environments as a form of explorative design research investigating complex programs, spatial interconnectedness, buildings systems, narrative architectures, interactivity, complex representations, systems technologies and professional capacities as ways of engagement with the built environment.

    Year 1 Conceptual, artistic and the fusion of both with materials.

    Year 2 Typologies, program and functional spaces, conceptual basis to design. 

    Year 3 Complex interiors and systems, interiority, hybrid environments. 

    Year 4 Self chosen research based theses.1

    Peter Hasdell (Discipline Leader), May 2016

    Undergraduate Teaching team:

    Alvin Yip

    Aria Yang

    Charles Lai

    Gerhard Bruyns (Year 3 coordinator)

    Geraldine Borio

    Gilles Vanderstocken

    Henri Tung

    Horace Pan (Year 2 coordinator)

    Keith Chan

    Kelly Chow

    Kevin Lim

    Kuo Jze Yi

    Manfred Yuen (Year 1 coordinator)

    Mark Chan

    Melissa Cate Christ

    Michael Chan

    Patricia Choi

    Peter Hasdell (Discipline Leader + Year 4 coordinator)

    Sjoerd Hoekstra

    Susanne Trumpf

    More info: http://www.polyudesignshow.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/PolyU-Design-EID-1557232821171909/


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