(23 March 2020, Hong Kong) Quality Building Award (QBA) 2020 announces 25 award finalists in recognizing Hong Kong’s high quality buildings. Now in its 10th edition, this iconic biennial award has just completed the final stage of the judging process. A record-high of 49 submissions over six award categories have been received, with 25 shortlisted as Finalists. Winners of the various categories will be announced on 19 June at the QBA 2020 Awards Presentation Ceremony at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, where participants and industry leaders will be in attendance.

Unlike previous years, the Quality Excellence Award winner will receive two trophies instead of one: the Quality Excellence Award trophy, and a newly-introduced “Excellence Cup” perpetual trophy. The Excellence Cup will have the winning projects’ names engraved, and will be kept by the winning team until the next award commences in two years’ time. This ensures the winners’ accomplishments will be further immortalized as part of Hong Kong’s built environment legacy.

“I am very pleased to announce that we’ve received a record-high of 49 submissions this year,” said Ir Peter Mok, Chairman of the QBA 2020 Organizing Committee. “We appreciate that amid changing times, an increasing number of built environment professionals are committed to transforming the community with heart and care. To celebrate this being QBA’s 10th edition, we have also developed the Excellence Cup perpetual trophy to honour each year’s Quality Excellence Award winner.”Mr Yu Tak Cheung, JP, Chairman of Jury Panel, said: “QBA has always recognized and encouraged first-rate projects that help advance the built environment industry. Not only the local projects, we are delighted to see a noticeable increase in the number of submissions from projects outside Hong Kong. This reflects positively on Hong Kong’s status as world class city with high professional standards.“

For more information about the QBA, please visit qba.com.hk or facebook.com/QBAHK.