• Quality Property and Facility Management Award 2024 now open for nomination

    14 March 2024

    Jointly organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors – Property and Facility Management Division (HKIS-PFMD) and The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies Limited (HKAPMC), the biennial award, Quality Property and Facility Management Award 2024 (QPFMA 2024) held the Official Launch Day cum Seminar on 14 March, with participation of over 70 industry professionals and jury members. QPFMA 2024 are now open for nominations until 3 May 2024. Applicants could enjoy the early bird discount if nominations are submitted by 16 April 2024.


    QPFMA 2024 introduces a new award category “Theme Award,” focusing on the judging criteria of ” Wellness Harmony Community Establishment.” With this year Award Theme “Professional PFM Services Establishing a Wellness Harmony Community,” which aims to emphasise the significance of well-being in alignment with societal expectations and to meet the increasing pursuit of happiness among citizens. QPFMA 2024 highlights the connection between Professional Property and Facility Management (PFM) and wellness, the award seeks to acknowledge and promote organisations and practitioners who demonstrate excellence and exceptional achievements in enhancing occupant experience and well-being, while fostering harmony within society. The goal of QPFMA 2024 is to contribute value to the community and make Hong Kong an even better place to live—a truly ideal community. To celebrate the achievements of well-planned and managed Social Housing Projects and recognise the market expansion of Light Public Housing and Transitional Housing, which have recently been completed under the guidance of the Hong Kong Housing Authority, Social Enterprises, Non-Profit Organizations, and Non-Governmental Organizations, QPFMA 2024 has expanded its Award Categories. A new category called “Community Housing” has been introduced within the residential category. This expansion enables the separate assessment and evaluation of “Public Rental Housing” and “Subsidised Sales Housing” projects, facilitating comparison based on similar space attributes and resource scales. Various indicators related to Health Culture, Safety Quality, Inclusion in the community, the sense of belonging for occupants, and occupants’ experiences will be utilised to evaluate these housing projects.

    In addition, the “Shopping Centre Category” has now been divided into two streams: Small & Medium Scale and Large Scale, within the Non-Residential Award Category.  Sr Dr Kenny CHAN Kwok-hung, Chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors – Property and Facility Management Division (HKIS-PFMD) and  Convenor of the QPFMA 2024 Organising Committee, highlighted the importance of professionalism in Property and Facility Management (PFM) services during his welcome remarks: “Professionalism in Property and Facility Management (PFM) services is fundamentally vital for alleviating the quality of life for Hong Kong citizens. PFM professionals play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of various properties and adding value to assets. QPFMA 2024 acts as a platform to recognise the excellence demonstrated by industry professionals and inspires them to learn from one another, collectively raising the standards of the industry.”

    QPFMA 2024 Head Juror, Sr Hon. Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS, JP stated in his keynote speech:“The theme of this competition embodies our pursuit of a harmonious community and emphasizes the crucial role of property and facility management in creating a happy community.”

    Sr Dr Edmond CHENG Kam-wah, President of the Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies Limited, stated in his closing remarks: “This year, the QPFMA 2024 Launch Day cum Seminar received overwhelming support from over 40 Government departments, property management companies, institutional and academic organisations. This widespread support underscores the industry’s unified commitment towards the shared objective of establishing a wellness harmony community for the residents’ well-being. The award aims to elevate the standards of Property and Facility Management (PFM) services, advocate for PFM professionalism, and transparently showcase the dedication and diligence of industry professionals to the public.”

    Award Categories:

    Award Category (1) ResidentialAward Category (2) Non-ResidentialAward Category (3) Refurbishment / Renovation
    Large-Scale ResidentialShopping Centre (Small & Medium-Scale)Large-Scale Residential
    Medium-Scale ResidentialShopping Centre (Large-Scale)Medium-Scale Residential
    Small-Scale ResidentialOffice Building (Small & Medium-Scale)Small-Scale Residential
    Public Rental HousingOffice Building (Large-Scale)Commercial
    Subsidised Sales HousingIndustrial & Car Park Building 
    Community HousingInstitutional 
    Award Type*Description
    Grand AwardThis represents the highest level of recognition for buildings or facilities within their respective categories.
    Excellence AwardThere will be recognition of excellence for each nomination category.
    Certificate of MeritThere will be recognition of merit(s) for each nomination that has passed the First Screening, Site Visits and that has been presented at the Finalist Presentation to Jury Panel cum Conference.
    Theme AwardThe award will be granted to one project among all the finalist projects which achieved the best result in Establishing a Wellness Harmony Community, as per the assessment criteria of QPFMA 2024 theme.

    * The QPFMA 2024 Organising Committee reserves the final right not to bestow an award if the Jury Panel deems no nomination is worth receiving a particular award. The decision of the Jury Panel shall be final

    Jury Panel (The sequence of jury members is arranged in alphabetical order according to their English surnames)
    To ensure impartiality and inclusivity, QPFMA 2024 is honoured to invite a diverse panel of industry leaders from various backgrounds to serve as jury members, including:

    Head Juror
    Sr Hon. Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS, JP
    President of Guangdong Property and Facilities Management Association of the Greater Bay Area cum
    Legislative Council Member (Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape) Legislative Council, HKSAR
    Sr Dr. Kenny CHAN Kwok-hung
    Chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors – Property and Facility Management Division cum QPFMA 2024 Organising Committee Convenor
    Mr. James CHAN Yum-min
    Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Hong Kong Housing Society
    Ms. Patricia CHANG Yuk-kam
    President of The Hong Kong Institute of Housing
    Sr Dr. Edmond CHENG Kam-wah
    President of The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies Limited
    Sr Dr. CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS
    Chairman of Hong Kong Green Building Council
    Prof. HE Shenjing
    Head of Department and Professor of The University of Hong Kong – Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture
    Mr. Alex HO Kwing-kwong
    Director – Industry Development, Construction Industry Council
    Sr Prof. Eddie HUI Chi-man, MH, JP
    Chair Professor and Head, Department of Public and International Affairs, City University of Hong Kong
    Dr. KWONG Tsz-man
    Associate Professor of the School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong cum Senior Advisor College of Humanities and Law
    Sr Francis LAM Ka-fai
    President of The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
    Sr Louis LEE Man-ho
    Vice-Chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors – Property and Facility Management Division
    Ir Sr Jonathan LEE Man-kwong
    President of The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management
    Ir Daniel LEUNG Hung-wai Deputy Director (Development & Construction), Housing Department, HKSAR
    Mr. Chris NG Hung-fai, JP
    Assistant Director of Home Affairs, Home Affairs Department, HKSAR
    Mr. Sanford POON Yuen-fong
    Vice President of The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies Limited cum
    QPFMA 2024 Organising Committee Vice-Convenor
    Mr. Alan SIN Kwok-leung
    Deputy Director of Architectural Services, Architectural Services Department, HKSAR
    Dr. James WONG Kong-tin, BBS, JP
    Chairman of Property Management Services Authority
    Ir Prof. Michael YAM C.H.
    Head of Department and Professor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Department of Building and Real Estate
    Mr. Boris YIU Tak-tai
    Asst Director/Electricity and Energy Efficiency Branch, Electrical & Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR
    Ms. Clarice YU Po-mei, JP
    Director of Buildings, Buildings Department, HKSAR

    Award Event Schedule:

    Nomination Period:14 March 2024 – 3 May 2024 *Successful nominations received by 16 April 2024 will qualify for an early bird discount.
    Submission deadline of “nomination documents index”, nomination documents and other supplementary documents  10 May 2024, 12nn
    Site Visits:13 July 2024 – 14 July 2024 (Tentative)
    Finalists Presentation to Jury Panel cum Conference:3 August 2024 – 4 August 2024 (Tentative)
    Annual Dinner of The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies cum
    QPFMA 2024 Award Presentation Ceremony:
    8 October 2024

    For further details of the QPFMA, including submission guidelines, judging criteria and nomination procedure, please visit www.qpfma.com.


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