(19 November 2020, Hong Kong) Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) and the Construction Industry Council (CIC) co-hosted SciTech Challenge 2020 today to give promising innovators the opportunity to develop market-ready solutions to cater to industry demands, and propel the construction sector into the digital era. Node THL, an incubatee of HKSTP, was crowned champion of the Open Group for the active noise cancelling sensory technology at construction site while HeightSecure Technologies won at the Student Group for the sensor to detect micro-vibrations of bamboo scaffolding in the competition today.
Under the theme of “Sensory Technology for Construction”, SciTech Challenge 2020 brought together startups and students with potential users in construction sector the first time to pitch their products and solutions. In view of accelerating digital transformation in various industries, the construction sector recognises the need to modernise operations to raise efficiency, productivity, quality and safety.
Mr. Albert WONG, CEO of HKSTP, said, “HKSTP is committed to unearthing the best innovation and technology talent with the aim of propelling Hong Kong’s business and society forward with their innovations. SciTech Challenge 2020 has provided prominent young entrepreneurs with the ideal platform to learn and collaborate with construction leaders, develop their ideas into ready-to-deploy solutions and support the industry for wider technology adoption in the future.”
Mr. CHAN Ka-kui, Chairman of CIC said “One of the most important missions of CIC is to drive Hong Kong’s construction industry to embrace innovative thinking and culture, after establishing Construction innovation and Technology Application Centre (CITAC), CIC continues to accelerate the adoption of innovation technologies by different approaches, SciTech Challenge provides a great opportunity to inspire the construction participants for Construction digitalization.”
Mr. Donald CHOI, Chairperson of CITAC Board, pointed out in the ceremony that Sensory technology is often considered as the first step for digitalising the physical environment, which forms the foundation for other technology development such as robotics as well as smart city. That is the very reason why sensory technology for construction was chosen to be the theme of SciTech Challenge 2020.
This year’s competition attracted over 60 group applications from educational institutions and corporates. The contestants gained unique access and collaboration opportunities with leading industry players through a series of training workshops and webinars.
After rounds of screening, the eight finalists were selected to present their innovative ideas at the final presentation today. This final challenge tested the level of enthusiasm and commitment of the contestants, as they competed for cash prizes and the chance to enjoy fast track to HKSTP’s Science and Technology Entrepreneur Programme (STEP) and win a membership of Robotics Catalysing Centre.

• Mr. Donald CHOI, Chairperson of CITAC Board (5th from the right)
• Dr. Crystal FOK, Director, AIR Platform & Precision Engineering (3rd from the left)
• Dr. Carmen FUNG, Assistant Director, Electronics Cluster (2nd from the left)
• Ir Alex KWAN, CEO, Asia, Global Infrastructure Solutions Inc. (4th from the right)
• Ms. Rosana WONG, Executive Director, Yau Lee Group (3rd from the right)
• Mr. Tony CHEN, Investment Director, Hong Kong X Foundation (2nd from the right)