• Huanggang Port Area masterplan

    5 February 2021

    Reconstruction of the Huanggang Port building will enable the port’s 1.67 square kilometres of parking lots and cargo inspection areas to be redeveloped as a national centre for technology innovation.

    Located in the Futian District of the city, Huanggang Port currently serves 300,000 people crossing the border with Hong Kong each day. Situated at this key interchange within the Greater Shenzhen Bay region, the new Huanggang Port Area masterplan at Shenzhen Park in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone incorporates direct connections with Shenzhen’s metro network.

    Centred around two large public plazas, the Huanggang Port Area masterplan defines three interconnected districts: the port hub, collaborative innovation area, and port living zone. The existing Huanggang port management area and public transport interchange at the south western end of the masterplan will be redeveloped as the ‘port hub’ district with administrative supporting offices and hotels for visiting scientists and researchers.

    The port’s former cargo inspection areas and parking lots will be transformed as the ‘collaborative innovation’ area comprised of scientific research centres and laboratories as well as a conference centre to host lectures, talks and events that promote the exchange of ideas and collaboration.

    The ‘port living’ district will be located next to Fulin station of Shenzhen’s metro at the north eastern end of the masterplan and will encompass residential developments, schools, sports and recreational facilities as well as shopping and dining amenities for those working within the science park. With its base grid established by Shenzhen’s existing street layout to the west, the masterplan’s central spine is a wide pedestrian boulevard that connects its two primary public gathering spaces: the civic plaza at Fulin metro station in the north east and the large public square in the centre of the administrative hub at the Huanggang interchange in the south west. A radial secondary grid centered on theses plazas further sub-divides the districts into clusters and creates additional circulation routes for functionality.

    The design accommodates the future expansion of the research studios and laboratories via shared podiums and bridging skywalks connecting with adjacent buildings. In addition to the two primary civic plazas, each smaller cluster of buildings has its own ‘nucleus’ of an outdoor communal square ensuring spaces for nature are integrated throughout the masterplan that will also create a green belt of parklands and wetlands along the Shenzhen River.

    Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)

    Patrik Schumacher

    Local Design Institute: East China Architecture Design and Research Institute (ECADI), Shenzhen Municipal Design & Research Institute (SZMEDI)



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