• RMJM’s portfolio of services grows stronger with RMJM UDG

    31 May 2019

    RMJM, the leading architectural network with 30 studios worldwide, has announced the launch of RMJM Urban Design Group (UDG) , a new sector-specific team highly specialised in urban design and masterplanning.

    Led by the Executive Director, renowned architect and urban planner, Steven Townsend, and its Global Business Development Team Leader, Abraham Boyd, the studio will set a new benchmark in resilient community planning, sustainable urban design, and responsible transit-oriented development design.

    From their headquarters in Hong Kong, RMJM UDG will attend the network’s large-scale urban developments and will provide public, private and institutional clients with the highest level of urban design.

    “Our cities today are having intrinsic difficulties in catching up with the latest technological breakthroughs, climate change, and intensive rapid urbanization. As masterplanners and urban designers, it is our duty to change the status quo of urban development and to think in a holistic inter-strategic way” said Steven Townsend. “This is why we have established RMJM UDG. We want to help RMJM clients to become leaders in making increasingly complex and critical decisions that will safeguard the long term objectives and protect our communities.”

    Townsend, whose background has touched on nearly every type of masterplan and urban design project, affirmed that his team will bring new creativity and passion to projects that were overlooked in the past, such as transportation, utilities and infrastructure. “Our projects will open new horizons for the industry” concluded the Executive Director, who is already participating in challenging project opportunities in China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Saudi Arabia, and in the African continent.

    The establishment of RMJM UDG comes on the back of the launch of two other sector-specific studios: RMJM Dx , specialising in BIM services, and RMJM PIM (Project Integrated Management). This further expansion of RMJM practice areas reaffirms the organisation’s commitment in delivering international prime quality design to its clients worldwide.





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