The California Preservation Foundation recently announced its California Preservation Awards, “a statewide hallmark, showcasing the best in historic preservation” and related works. The 37th edition recognizes four new efforts involving Page & Turnbull, an architecture, planning and preservation firm well known for guiding the future of the country’s oldest architecture, whether helping preserve in downtown Sacramento, adapting buildings on a college campus, or making Yosemite National Park more accessible and open to visitors.
According to a jury of top professionals in the field, four of Page & Turnbull’s latest major undertakings received honors as part of their California Preservation Foundation 2020 Design Awards. The projects include three completed rehabilitations and adaptations as well as a major city study:
– The Greek Theatre, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, now restored and activated.
– Livermore Railroad Depot, in Livermore, Calif., an award-winning preservation.
– St. Joseph’s Church, San Francisco, preserved and adapted as an iconic, innovative workplace.
The fourth honor, not for a building or a discrete architectural subject, says the Foundation, celebrates a notable achievement in “cultural resource studies,” recognizing Page & Turnbull’s collaboration with the city of Sacramento to create their sweeping and critically acclaimed Sacramento Historic District Plans.

Called both highly valuable and encyclopedic, Sacramento’s recently completed, 430-page Plans document catalogues the architectural and historic significance of 27 separate districts in the capital. Page & Turnbull’s team created authoritative design guidelines for preserving the character of each district and the structures seen within those areas.
More background on the award-winning works follow, below. Based in San Francisco, Sacramento and Los Angeles and working nationally, Page & Turnbull has been a leader in preservation as well as an advocate for responsible, thoughtful and innovative adaptive reuse for nearly 50 years. The firm’s architects, conservators and historians are known for thought leadership in adaptive reuse and preservation architecture.

California Preservation Foundation:
2020 Design Awards for Page & Turnbull
Livermore Railroad Depot Rehabilitation and Relocation
A 2019 Governor’s Award recipient from the California Office of Historic Preservation, this project returned the historic depot building to its original use as a ticketing office and waiting area for train passengers. Separated from the railroad track it formerly served and slated for redevelopment, Page & Turnbull relocated the building adjacent to the regional light rail, restored and replaced redwood siding and trim as well as wood doors and windows, rehabilitated existing historic finishes inside, and reconstructed an interior stair to its original configuration.

St. Joseph’s Church
After sitting vacant for almost three decades, this deteriorated 16,600-square-foot church had suffered considerable damage from natural disasters, deferred maintenance, birds, and vagrants. San Francisco interior designer Ken Fulk re-imagined the interior space as the St. Joseph’s Arts Society for emerging artists, completed in collaboration with Page & Turnbull. The building is once again open to the community for gatherings and cultural events. New Markets tax credits provide jobs for local residents in this under-served part of the city’s SOMA neighborhood.

Greek Theatre, Griffith Park
A historic architectural treasure, the 5,900-seat outdoor music venue was built 90 years ago into the base of a canyon within Los Angeles’ storied Griffith Park, the largest municipal park with urban wilderness area in the U.S. Rehabilitated and restored in phases over several years by Page & Turnbull (in collaboration with design firm Rios), attention was focused on celebrating the original Neoclassical features, conserving the iconic patron doors, and restoring the signature green-glazed clay tile roof. The latter phase required a painstaking process of slip-casting and glazing to custom-fabricate the roof tiles in a way that provides an authentic look.

Sacramento Historic District Plans
A comprehensive planning document created by Page & Turnbull working collaboratively with the City of Sacramento and public advisory groups, the 430-page Historic District Plans document helped Sacramento’s Preservation Commission to earn “Best Practices in Protection” honors from the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions. The Plans address the architectural and historic significance of 27 of the capital city’s 30 locally listed historic neighborhoods, and provides complete design guidelines for preserving each one while addressing plans for increasing neighborhood density.

Adam Sullivan
C. C. S U L L I V A N
224 Centre St., 6th Fl.
New York, N.Y. 10013*