Conditions for the second day of the Edmond de Rothschild Autumn Regatta did not, to be fair, look promising on Wind Guru or the Hong Kong Observatory, but the reality on the water exceeded expectations with Race Officer Sofia Mascia finding a steady 6 knot surprise in the Kowloon Bay start area.
With the breeze holding as a south westerly, Mascia elected to send all fleets on the ‘S’ courses, designed to run north to south across Victoria Harbour and she wasted no time in getting all fleets off on a short sharp course to achieve the two races required for a regatta.
While the Big Boat division was still finishing its race at the southern side of the harbour, the RO started the one-design fleets from Kowloon Bay on their third and final race of the series. All classes were given a longer course for their final race but with the breeze holding, the Impala fleet was done and dusted by 1300hrs, with all fleets finished by 1500hrs.
With the early finish making for a good buzz in the bar, protests were despatched early and the Overall Prizegiving went with swing, lubricated by Stella Artois beer and with presentations being made by Humbert Garreau de Laberre, Managing Director of Edmond de Rothschild.