HKGBC inaugurated in 2009 with 4 founding members: Construction Industry Council (CIC), Business Environment Council (BEC), BEAM Society Limited (BSL), Professional Green Building Council (PGBC)
Membership to date: 163 Institutional members, 612 Associate members

Ir Conrad WONG, BBS, JP, Chairman of HKGBC and the Green Building Mascot
BEAM Plus: BEAM scheme was established in 1996, there have been a number of updates since then: In 2010,
BEAM Plus v1.1 was released and the current version is v1.2 released in 2011. This is a voluntary green building assessment scheme developed locally and is suitable for compact high-rise cityscapes in sub-tropical areas.
Registered Beam Plus Projects: Over 510, over 13,935,000 m2
Recent BEAM Plus Platinum Certified Buildings: Holiday Inn Express, Hysan Place, Temporary Office Accommodation for the Kowloon East, Marinella
Hong Kong Green School Guide (Released in Mar 2013)
Distributed to local primary and secondary schools, it aims to provide comprehensive step-by-step guidance to school decision makers on how schools can go green, and fill the information gap in this area in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Green Shop Guide (Released in Mar 2014)
To provide practical guidance to the owners, facility managers and tenants of shopping malls and shops on the implementation of green measures at their buildings and facilities. Aims to improve the green shopping habits in the community, and enhance the public’s awareness and appreciation of the green measures adopted by the shopping malls and shops.
Green Building Product Labelling Scheme: 5 different ratings Building professionals want to specify Green Building Products in their contracts to promote green. (Targeted to launch the first phase in 2014 Q4, second phase in 2016 Q1)
More Industry Tools: BEAM Plus Interiors, Energy Performance Benchmarking Scheme, Green Building Product Listing Service, Carbon Labelling Scheme, Hong Kong Green Office Guide (To be released in 2016)
Hong Kong Green Building Week 2014 (4 – 17 Sep) – Green Building Ideas Pitching Event
World Sustainable Building Conference 2014: The Construction Industry Council and the HKGBC will jointly participate in the World Sustainable Building Conference 2014 (WSB14) to be held in Barcelona this October. HKGBC will join discussion sessions, hold exhibition and release reports at the Conference. Mr Paul Chan, Secretary for Development, has been invited to lead a delegation to the event.
Green Building Award 2014 (20 Nov),
2015: Launch the Building Energy Performance Recognition Scheme – Whole Building, and hold the WorldGBC Congress 2015 in Hong Kong by the end of the year, Theme: Urban Density: The Green Way for Urbanisation.
HK3030: A vision for a low carbon sustainable built environment in Hong Kong by 2030 – Reduce electricity consumptions by 30%, using 2005 as baseline