• HKIA annual ball cum annual awards presentation 2022/23

    9 November 2023

    (8 November 2023, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) is thrilled to announce its highly anticipated Annual Ball cum Annual Awards Presentation 2022/23 at the Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel. With 57 tables of some 700 guests gracing the occasion, the Institute also celebrates its 67th anniversary on the occasion. Themed “Architectur-ing the Future”, the Annual Ball offers an exquisite and immersive experience that celebrates the city’s visionary spirit and dynamic culture, while paying tribute to the architectural profession.


    The Deputy Financial Secretary of HKSAR, Mr. WONG Wai Lun, Michael, GBS, JP is the Guest of Honour. He is joined by other senior government officials, Central Liaison Office officials, LegCo Members, architectural practice executives and their business partners, as well as construction industry professionals and other distinguished guests.

    HKIA President, Ar. Benny CHAN remarks that “This extraordinary event offers a unique opportunity to honour our profession, connect minds, and inspire each other as we navigate the path ahead”. He looks forward to witnessing more excellent architectures in the future.

    Results of the HKIA Annual Awards 2022/23 are presented during the high-profile Annual Ball. Spanning over 57 years, the HKIA Annual Awards was launched in 1965. It is one of the most prestigious architectural awards in the region. The aim is to strive for local, regional and international architectural excellence through professionalism and creativity, and to provide a supportive environment for HKIA members to practise quality architecture and realise their professional potential.

    A total of 99 high quality submissions from both inside and outside Hong Kong were received this year. The awarded projects include not only landmark buildings such as museums, but also social projects such as public spaces and innovations in architectural techniques, which illustrates the diversity and international recognition of the Hong Kong architectural profession. After going through two stages of assessment and in-depth deliberation by 4 renowned jurors in August and September 2023, 64 awards are given to 57 outstanding projects.

    The Institute also takes the opportunity to present the prestigious HKIA Gold Medal Award 2023 to a senior architect, recognising his important achievements in and contributions to Hong Kong architecture throughout his career and profession. Meanwhile, the Young Architect Award 2022 is presented to young professionals aged 35 or below to honour and acknowledge their outstanding architectural talents.


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