• Hong Kong Green Building Council’s Response to Energy Saving Plan for Hong Kong’s Built Environment 2015~2025

    15 May 2015

    Hong Kong, 14 May 2015 – The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) welcomes the Energy Saving Plan for Hong Kong’s Built Environment 2015~2025+ (the Plan) launched by the Environment Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the Government of the HKSAR).


    Buildings account for 90% of electricity consumption and 60% of greenhouse gas emissions in Hong Kong. We believe that the key to achieving sustainable development lies in adopting an all-rounded approach to drive green building and encouraging the community to embrace low carbon lifestyle. We are grateful for the Government of the HKSAR’s strong support and recognition for the work of the HKGBC over the years. The HKGBC will continue to work closely with the Environment Bureau on public education and industry promotion initiatives in order to drive sustainable development in Hong Kong.

    Energy Saving Targets

    The HKGBC supports the Plan’s target to reduce Hong Kong’s energy intensity by 40% by 2025 using 2005 as a base, through applying a multi-pronged approach that spans across educational, social, economic and regulatory means. We have strived to enhance energy efficiency of building, e.g. by launching the Building Energy Performance Recognition Scheme – Office Occupants (BESTOO) in 2013, and expanding the scheme to the whole building and retail mall in the future. We shall step up our work in line with the Plan, and participate in the Stakeholder Dialogue Platform to provide all necessary support. We hope that a more ambitious energy saving target can be reached soon.

    HKGBC Logo

    Stakeholder Dialogue Platform

    The HKGBC would take part in the Stakeholder Dialogue Platform led by Mr WONG Kam-sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment that brings together a wide range of green building stakeholders to help accelerate the adoption of green building by the private sector. As a professional organisation tasked with driving green building, the HKGBC will continue to engage with all stakeholders from the private, construction sectors, academics, policymakers and the general public. These efforts include running Hong Kong Green Shop and Green School Guide initiatives and organising programmes such as the Green Building Awards and Hong Kong Green Building Week. The HKGBC will strengthen its ties to interested groups and strive to enhance the exchange of ideas for promoting the messages of green building and lifestyle.

    Green Building Standards

    The HKGBC welcomes the Plan which aims to require all new government buildings and public housing to achieve a BEAM Plus rating of ‘Gold’ or above; and its proposal to periodically review, expand and/or tighten relevant energy-related standards. In addition to the continual review and update of the BEAM Plus standard, in particular, the rating tools for newly built and existing buildings, we will also launch a new assessment tool BEAM Plus Neighbourhood to ensure that the standard keeps up with the advancing green building practices.

    Over the years, the HKGBC has dedicated itself to raising the public and industry awareness of green building and sustainable development in Hong Kong and around the world. We shall continue to work with all stakeholders to promote an energy-efficient and low carbon built environment.


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