• Linden Comansa tower crane atop The Royal Garden

    18 July 2014

    Luxury hotel The Royal Garden is located in Kowloon, an urban district with one of the highest densities of population of the world.

    Linven at RoyalGarden02

    This 5-star hotel is surrounded by narrow streets crowded with people and traffic. This environment presented a great challenge for the company Teamfield Building Contractors, responsible for the extension works of the hotel, RoyalGarden04which will grow from the current 12 floors to 15 floors by the end of 2014. Due to the requirements of the project, it was necessary to have a tower crane on the roof, but the height of the building and the narrow streets surrounding the hotel were quite an impediment to erect it.

    The 10CJ140 tower crane from Linden Comansa, was the obvious choice. Its modular and lightweight sections and components ensured a quick and easy erection, and by its technical features (maximum load of 8 tons), the crane was the ideal for the work on the roof. Proficiency Equipment Operation Manager, Paul HH Hung, said: “Teamwork between all stakeholders has been fundamental to come up with the best solution. In addition, we have had to negotiate with the authorities and managed a very tight plan. The experience has been a little stressful but very satisfactory for all parties”. More information at: www.lindencomansa.com.


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