• QBA 2012 acknowledges outstanding projects and their teams

    7 May 2012

    Quality Building Award (QBA), a biennale award jointly organised by nine building and construction related institutes and associations. Over the last ten years, this biennale award had received many nominations and attentions worldwide The award aims to acknowledge quality building teams that develop buildings with outstanding quality.

    What’s new in 2012?

    Hong Kong Institute of Engineers – Structural Division is the alternate chair of the 6th QBA and Ir Dr. Eddie Lam, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University is chairing the Organising Committee (OC).

    “We invited Jurors from different industries, including Government, professional industries, academics and institutions. The professional distribution of Jurors is to assure the fairness in the Award. Chaired by Ir Prof. Paul Pang (Past Chairman of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers – Joint Structural Division) this year, we are honoured to have Mr Au Choi Kai, JP (Director of Buildings, Buildings Department of HKSARG), Mr Frank Chan Fan, JP (Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of HKSARG), Prof. Bernard Lim, JP (Past President of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects, President of Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design), Dr. Peter K. S. Pun, SBS (Former Director of Planning, Planning Department of HKSARG), Ms Jenny Yeung (President of The Hong Kong Chapter of International Facility Management Association) and Ir Dr. Eddie Lam Siu Shu (Chairman, Organising Committee of Quality Building Award 2012) to participate in the Jury Panel.”

    “The Organising Committee, QBA 2012 has modified the categories this year and divided “Hong Kong Residential Category” into Single and Multiple Buildings. For “Hong Kong Non-Residential Category”, QBA has divided this category into New Building and Renovation/Revitalization Category to maintain objectivity and fairness. For the “Project Outside Hong Kong Category”, it has been separated into Residential and Non-Residential. “

    Who is participating?

    This year 32 nominations have been received, 5 of which are from outside Hong Kong. Apart from Al Shaqab Equestrian Performance Arena in Qatar, the other Project Outside Hong Kong entries received were from Mainland China. After sites visits and a careful first screening, 19 project teams were chosen to present to the Jury Panel on 24 and 25 March 2012.

    What is the aim of QBA 2012?

    “By organising QBA, we hope to gather the most innovative and best quality buildings, both in Hong Kong and overseas and award those with the highest standards of professionalism and quality. This year QBA is being run with the theme, “Building Excellence for the Future” and hopes to maintain and promote the excellent standards of professionalism and quality in the industry. Besides maintaining the high standards of the buildings themselves, QBA also aims at promoting the importance of teamwork in winning these coveted awards.”


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