• Great Success of Green-CREP

    26 November 2014

    Organized by Linver Insights, co-organized by AIA Shanghai, The 3rd Annual Commercial Building Architecture-Designing-Performance Summit & 2014 Asia Pacific Green-CREP Award Ceremonyhad been a great success on 12th-13th November in Langham Place, Guangzhou.


    Day one conference was hosted by Mr. Winston Shu, chief designer of Beijing Parkview Green. Mr. Sun Yong Gang, VGM from Shou Gang Group focused on the alternation of “Steel-making Factory” into “798 Beijing” and shared us how did the old industrial park become an innovative theme park integrated with industry, leisure, tourism and culture format. Miss Sun Qin from Serie joined in Q&A session. Miss Liu Yan told us another story about the remold of a boat into a coastal complex-Sea World. Mr. Tony Wei from Callison joined in Q&A session. Upon the coastal development, Mr Ian Bulloss from FADG assumed that coastal development of China should combine integrity and sustainability.

    While sustainability can’t be accomplished without planning and operation which was highlighted by Mr. Patrick Fang from SCP Capital Company Ltd in hiskeynote on INCITY Hangzhou Wetland. He explained that the design and management are key factors to ensure good performance of INCITY. Mr. Zhou Sun Tong, GM of Bailian Outlets Plaza, Wuxi pointed that the outlets’ design and operation are all under guided by Venice which upgraded it not only from building but also connotation. Mr. Nai T. Chang from DCI joined Q&A session. Besides design & operation, environmentalprotection is another key element for sustainability which was fully reflected in Beijing Parkview Green designed by Mr. Winston Shu, founder of IDA-HK. He gained inspiration from chimney and made this building &its natural ventilation a whole to fully make use of natural resources. Mr. Peter Leung from MTR focused on the win-win situation of commercial development & metro plan. Miss Annie Yu from Philips shared a speech named“Ignite Retail Power With Philips Connected Lighting” and showed us how did lighting illuminate hotel.


    Day two were separated into two streams, one is “Hotel & Resorts”, the other is “Office & Public Commercial Building”. Miss Yin Lee from AECOM with her keynote focused on Yanqi Lake started “Hotel & Resorts” stream. Then followed by panel regarding “Tourism & Resort Destination Experience”, gathering Mr. Li Liang from COFCO Corporation hotels division, Jocelyn Yang from LTW and Mr. Liu Peng Fei from CCTN, they mainly talked about the ROI, blending of architecture & environment and tailored service. Miss Jocelyn Yang emphasized the importance of human landscape by example of Hyatt Regency & Shangri-La. Mr. Cheng Ke Rong from GVL shared the same idea in the afternoon brainstorming with Mr. Hu Ping from HKG Group and Leo Day two were separated into two streams, one is “Hotel & Resorts”, the other is “Office & Public Commercial Building”.

    Miss Yin Lee from AECOM with her keynote focused on Yanqi Lake started “Hotel & Resorts” stream. Then followed by panel regarding “Tourism & Resort Destination Experience”, gathering Mr. Li Liang from COFCO Corporation hotels division, Jocelyn Yang from LTW and Mr. Liu Peng Fei from CCTN, they mainly talked about the ROI, blending of architecture & environment and tailored service. Miss Jocelyn Yang emphasized the importance of human landscape by example of Hyatt Regency & Shangri-La. Mr. Cheng Ke Rong from GVL shared the same idea in the afternoon brainstorming with Mr. Hu Ping from HKG Group and Leo Li from Studio HBA. They all believed that hotel design should be tailor-made according to local culture. Martin Jochman, the Principal and Design Director of Burj Al Arab hotel showed us another masterpiece-Shimao Wonderland Intercontinental with subversive design concept. Except for outstanding design, nowadays hotels take advantage of advanced technology to be more modern and humanized.

    Mr. Ingvar Herland from The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels introduced advanced 3C technology and interacted with Mr. Winston Suen from Langham Hospitality Group that technology should be coordinated with hotel itself.  Speeches from Miss Nicole Zhu from Philips focused on lighting and Mr. Gao Feng from Motorola Solutions focused on Wifi showed us that appropriate implement of tech would greatly improve clients’ satisfactory.cr4

    “Office & Public Commercial Building” Stream started from Mr. Silas Chiow from SOM with statement that long-term return and sustainability can be gained through early design planning integrating function, form and architecture.  Mr. Song Pak from Callison stated that an outstanding project should be combined with human landscape, nature, local culture and also fulfill its function. Mr. George Zhao from Arup Group believed that construction activities’ value lay on solving the problems and pointed that safety and economy  can be ensured with the methods “Killing with Kindness” and “couple hardness with softness”. Mr. Hu Shu Zhi from CMPD mainly focused on CMPD’s headquarters’ reconstruction and proved that it would be more energy-saving to use environment-protection tech and natural resource rather than building material.

    Mr. Albert Chan from Shuion Land also shared their transformation of Lingnan Tiandi with energy saving way to accomplish the win-win status for commercial and culture. Mr. Stephan Jentsch from Obermeyer thought planting should be not only beautiful but also be in accordance with ecological development, thus extending the life of building. Mr. NAKAZATO TATSUYA from ATLAS (China) presented 5-tier experience theory based on human affection and mentioned that better landscape design will gain more commercial value and popularity.  While Scott Gao from GDF International proved that each building should be in line with local culture instead of simply international. Brainstorming moderated by Christopher Chan from Moore Ruble Yudell, gathered Stefan Krummeck from TFP Farrells and Silas Chiow from SOM highlighted environment protection, high-efficiency, sustainability and culture-accordance. They firmly believed that a building must be sustainable if it was built in accordance with local culture, fully taking advantage of natural and existing resource. In this way, office and public commercial building in China will definitely gain better future.

    Over 270 professionals and elites from commercial real estate joined in this summit to discuss on “New Concept, New Technology, New Experience and New Value”, 44.8% are from developers & hotel groups; 29.3% are from architecture and landscape design and engineering agencies; 21.9% are from solution providers and 4% are from consulting firms. The topics are mainly in 3 commercial property formats: retail, hotel & resorts and office & public commercial building, with 11 practical cases, 4 brainstorms, 3 Q &A sessions, 1 dialogue, and 2014 Asia Pacific Green-CREP Award Ceremony.




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