30 November 2021

    Decibel Architecture (dB(A)) has designed an integrated resort and mixed-use complex across more than 75,000 square metres of GFA, with a single major tenant, the world-renowned Hyatt Regency occupying the entire tower with a new destination 5-Star full-service offer.


    Dylan Brady, Founder and Conductor of dB(A), told PRC Magazine: “From the podium of restaurants, lounges, conference and function facilities, across the spa, gymnasium and integrated wellness facilities, and topped with a destination restaurant, bar and pool deck, the cascading podium grows into a series of mid-rise office towers, clustered around the base of the soaring hotel above.”

    Rising to 275m, the hotel is topped with a Public Skydeck, taking in the views and sight of the glittering city and river laid out to the north. Above the Skydeck is a signature Skydining crown, with a rotating floor and integrated arched ceilings, opening the patrons’ eyes to the world all around.

    “Sustainability is at the heart of the aspiration, with the project becoming the iconic centrepiece of the successful Eco Green Saigon development,” he adds. “The developer Xuan Mai Sai Gon has a deep belief and commitment to green design and dB(A) has the world’s highest pedigree in sustainable design, here applied in this instance to create a Platinum Rated Green Lotus project, utilising integrating district cooling, and precinct wide strategies on water recycling, energy generation and waste management.”

    dB(A) also recently won the adjacent 20-storey Hyatt House branded luxury living complex project, with the integration of these two projects completing the major Eco Green Sai Gon precinct that anchors and symbolises the bright future of District 7 in the growing metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City.

    “It is a massive vote of confidence in the design and location, and places Vietnam firmly on the map for its commitment to designing greener, more ecologically responsible architecture.”

    For more information, please visit www.db-a.co.


    The BEAM Affiliate Education Programme aims to equip participants with knowledge in green building. Now, over 1,400 practitioners have become certified "BEAM Affiliate" after completing the training programme organised by BEAM Society Limited.

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