Two Hong Kong Awards from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors were presented to Rider Levett Bucknall recently. The firm won Sustainability Achievement of the Year for its work on the Hong Kong Science Park Phase 3a and 3b, and Construction Project Team of the Year for California Tower.
The science park development comprises 105,000 m2 GFA in five buildings dedicated to research and development, laboratories, offices and conference facilities. The award recognises the successful incorporation of 39 sustainable design features. Building 12W was Hong Kong’s first building to obtain a platinum LEED rating (Core and Shell) 2009. Rider Levett Bucknall, Mace, Simon Kwan and Associates, and Cundall, among others, were involved in the project.
California Tower in Central’s Lan Kwai Fong is a 28-storey tower with restaurants, bars, clubs and a sky garden with a total construction floor area of 11,315 m2. Rider Levett Bucknall worked with LKF Properties, Cypress Consultant, Wong and Cheng Consulting Engineers, and J Roger Preston on the project.